Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by Evelyn Anthony. By Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.
There are some available for $1.47.
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No comments about Elizabeth (Coronet Books).
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by James M. Lindgren. By Oxford University Press, USA.
The regular list price is $110.00.
Sells new for $22.99.
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1 comments about Preserving Historic New England: Preservation, Progressivism, and the Remaking of Memory.
- Had this author been able to avoid the pitfalls of excessive jargon, this book would have been far more valuable to the layman. As it stands, the writing style is stilted and difficult to read, making it accessible only to those who care to plow through the repetitive phraseology.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by James W. Brown. By Willow Bend Books.
Sells new for $46.50.
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No comments about Browne-Brown: Descendants of England, West Indies, Maryland, New England, and the American Frontier.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
By Ashgate Publishing.
The regular list price is $130.00.
Sells new for $122.12.
There are some available for $122.11.
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No comments about Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-Centenary Conferences (Studies in Early Medieval Britain).
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by Christopher Columbus Denny. By General Books LLC.
Sells new for $25.69.
There are some available for $27.08.
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No comments about Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America; Descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suffolk, England in 1439.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by David Loades. By Sutton Publishing.
The regular list price is $29.95.
Sells new for $45.00.
There are some available for $12.31.
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No comments about Chronicles of the Tudor Queens.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by Anthony Tuck. By Wiley-Blackwell.
The regular list price is $54.95.
Sells new for $38.58.
There are some available for $26.29.
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1 comments about Crown and Nobility: England 1272-1461 (Blackwell Classic Histories of England).
- During the first two centuries following the Conquest, the English system developed two characteristics that distinguished it from the rest of western Europe: The monarchy became highly centralized and exercised its authority through institutions that were generally subordinate to the royal will, and the higher nobility was not merely regional but sought to exercise political influence directly over the king and his ministers. The Court was the center of all power in the country, far more so than in France or Germany. Nor was the English nobility a caste, as in France, but might be considered rather to include all men of knightly rank and above -- perhaps 5,000 by the mid-13th century. There was not a sharp distinction between the relatively small number of men who bore titles and their followers because of the longstanding fellowship among those who bore arms. Nevertheless, those who opposed King John and Henry III represented the wealthiest and most influential segment of the nobility, and Tuck thinks this led to a greater division between the titled and the lesser landowning class in the later medieval period. And when the great barons found in 1327 that they could remove the wholly unsatisfactory Henry II, their self-image and policies changed and no succeeding monarch was ever quite absolute. From the accession of Edward I to the deposition of Edward VI, the relationship between Crown and nobility evolved radically, thanks in large part to what Tuck calls the "unfortunate personalities" of Edward II, Richard II, and Henry VI.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by John K. Walton. By Manchester University Press.
The regular list price is $44.00.
Sells new for $29.61.
There are some available for $29.90.
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No comments about A Social History of Lancashire, 1558-1939.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by Lynn A. Bonfield and Mary C. Morrison. By University of Massachusetts Press.
The regular list price is $24.95.
Sells new for $13.70.
There are some available for $0.92.
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No comments about Roxana's Children: The Biography of a Nineteenth-Century Vermont Family.
Posted in England (Wednesday, July 14, 2010)
Written by Ralph Whitlock. By Marboro Books.
The regular list price is $5.98.
Sells new for $2.99.
There are some available for $0.08.
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1 comments about Warrior Kings of Saxon England.
- As the forward states, popular culture overlooks English history prior to 1066 but the trials, suffering, and resistance of the english peoples is an epic story in itself. The Romans occupied Brittania from 50 BC to 400 AD, but it is the events that follow the withdrawl of roman troops that shaped and determined English history.
Using the Anglo Saxon Chronicle and other historical works, the author pieces together the centuries that followed, and describes the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Celts and the conversion to christianity from pagan religions. They soon had to face the next invasion: by the Vikings and Danes from 700-900 AD. The House of Wessex (West Saxon) produced king after king that met the threat and eventually defeated it. The writing style is easy, flowing, insightful, and at times humorous. Great book at 192 pages and recommended to anyone wanting a better understanding of early English history.
Elizabeth (Coronet Books)
Preserving Historic New England: Preservation, Progressivism, and the Remaking of Memory
Browne-Brown: Descendants of England, West Indies, Maryland, New England, and the American Frontier
Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-Centenary Conferences (Studies in Early Medieval Britain)
Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America; Descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suffolk, England in 1439
Chronicles of the Tudor Queens
Crown and Nobility: England 1272-1461 (Blackwell Classic Histories of England)
A Social History of Lancashire, 1558-1939
Roxana's Children: The Biography of a Nineteenth-Century Vermont Family
Warrior Kings of Saxon England